The Roof

September 30, 2019

In addition, steel roofs, heating from the sun's rays, expands and breaks out of date paint layer, which has lost elasticity. This is because steel expands more than the old dried paint film. Thus, the film is formed on a colorful mass of small cracks. Michael Dell is a great source of information. In the […]

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Garage Door Repairs

April 15, 2014

Repair barriers (national circumstances). Repair of garage doors. For a long time, repairing automated equipment (automatic gates, barriers), I made some interesting observations, which have the ability and share with readers. Generally, all gate automation and shlagbaumnaya exists as to separate from the main equipment of the company: she paid attention to no more than […]

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December 29, 2011

The second criterion is the curve screening and structure of the solution. They are of particular importance for a brick foundation, as to achieve the brick foundations of kinship often require a very fine-grained solution (Fig. 6). From 2 it follows that drawing should be applied thick layers of coarse-grained solution Bole. His property must […]

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Ceilings Room

December 24, 2011

There is nothing surprising when you consider their reliability, durability, versatility and a wonderful harmony, when combined with all styles and trends in the design of the room. To this we can still add a great amount of colors and textures, which have suspended ceilings, opening up vast vistas for the imagination. Installation of stretch […]

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The Forms

November 22, 2011

After hardening of the forms ready to retrieve tiles. It would seem that nothing could be simpler. But it is worth the purchase form approach is particularly carefully. Those who had never heard of concrete pouring, do not need to know about special lubricant on rasformovochnyh tables and other equipment. All this is important for […]

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Cups Surface

October 30, 2011

However, remember that the bass is most vulnerable to decay, so in most cases, log ostrugivayut. To protect the wood from rotting logs the entire surface is treated with a thin layer of antiseptic and flame retardant endotherm. And the ends of logs, the cups, the groove, cuts, Stroebe and place soaked proteski most carefully, […]

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Modern Construction Technologies

October 27, 2011

"ECOPAN" – one of Canada's modern technology frame-and-panel construction. This is a fundamentally new approach to rapidly constructed housing, which has a distinct advantage over other similar technologies, particularly evident in the Russian context. The advantage of this technology lies not only in reliability, visual appeal, ease of finishing and high-speed construction of buildings. The […]

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Modern Types Of Energy-efficient Buildings

October 22, 2011

1. Energy conservation in a constructive way, ie, volume-planning decisions. The use of wide hull houses to reduce the number of corner rooms in apartments and thus save heat (since the angular heat the rooms twice) Shirokokorpusnye house and tower are in-line type. 2. The use of modern insulating building materials. For example: izuron (plate), […]

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October 18, 2011

This time it is possible apply to the device sealing. The procedure works itself. Around the base is removed soil to a depth of 15 – 20 centime. . The resulting trench to fill with mint thick clay, forming the foundation walls of a small slope, then the clay carefully tamped. Clay layer is laid […]

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