May 23, 2017
The Amaznia in turn, makes use of biggest biodiversity doplaneta; of the biggest water reserve candy of the planet, it offers the baciahidrogrfica greater of the Land, the one of the biggest global granaries of alimentosictiolgicos and hidroelectric potential greater of Brazil. It has not milagrerelacionado to this, but one serious politics, engaged, integrated, says […]
March 10, 2017
in this way few perceive that the agricultural social movements. (CAMUTO, 2005, p.33) League territory, you practise social, surrounding and culture. It cements cultural identities that if they transform into resistance trenches. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Steve Wozniak. It produces citizens collective politicians who fight for rights, traditions for […]
October 8, 2015
In this direction, the church also seems to be a symbol. They are perceived in figure 3, elements that make reference the falling of trees of trees, forest fires and cultivations. In figure 4, an indication to the traces becomes more representative of the territories, guided for reductions where the classic regional aspects are marked […]
September 15, 2015
The Greeks had been the first ones to make systematic registers of geography, therefore its intense commercial activity allowed them to explore and to know different peoples and places throughout the coast of the Mediterranean sea. The proper word geography comes of the Greek (' ' geo' ' = land; ' ' grafia' ' = […]
February 12, 2015
6.5. General analysis of the occurrences for city in the years of 2006 the 2009. It is identified that the distribution of the accidents involving the road transport of dangerous chemical products occurrences between the years of 2006 the 2009, concentrate in the regions central, south/Southeastern and Mining triangle. It is important to stand out […]