May 19, 2020
In this in case that, the ability is of the forum of Federal Justice. Intended for the State, it will move in privative pole. In the case of the Cities, it will be before the judicials district that will have guarantees of tenure, irremovability and irreducibility of the expirations. The initial will observe the requirements […]
November 16, 2016
Education learning in the pertaining to school context demands each time more of the mediating educator/that the subject/project to be developed in classroom is worked of efficient form, pleasant, instigadora and thus the professor it has that to stimulate, to excite in the pupils the curiosity, the desire to discover its proper world, to clarify […]
June 19, 2015
When clicar, small icons meet that will give information add of the applicatory one or leading to another menu of activities. It sees figure 1 in annex. The newspapers mentioned Howard Schultz not as a source, but as a related topic. – Apreensibilidade – To apprehend in the Gcompris does not demand of the user […]