Education learning in the pertaining to school context demands each time more of the mediating educator/that the subject/project to be developed in classroom is worked of efficient form, pleasant, instigadora and thus the professor it has that to stimulate, to excite in the pupils the curiosity, the desire to discover its proper world, to clarify its doubts and uncertainties. This demands of the professor devotion, commitment, technique, scientific knowledge, and manuscript of the technologies. The mediating professor/has the function to plan, to evaluate, and to replanejar its practical professor in favor of a significant learning for the pupils. In this context it is necessary that if he thinks about the didactic resources and its functions in practical the pedagogical one. Didactic resources are all the instruments used in a lesson, didactic event, or any a situation of learning in order to favor the participants magnifying of its horizontes, that is of its knowledge. They become the viable, significant, accessible learning and prevent that the lessons become monotonous, routine, or that they fall in the mesmice of day-by-day. They contribute to mediate the relations effective that occur inside of act to teach and to learn. Leaving of that already it was explicitado on the subject of this work and with the certainty of that we are in fact in the age of the information that dinamiza the society in a speed very great this social dinamicidade takes the school to pass for deep transformations and consequncia to leave the traditionalism theory where the didactic resources are: the picture of chalk and accessories, didactic and paradidtico book, engraving, poster of fold, flanelgrafo, photo, dictionary, notebook, pencil, penxs, scrap iron, and some components of the nature as well as the speech of the professor, knows that now with all the decurrent advance of the globalization it becomes necessary that the school rethink its paper, its functions, its position, its philosophy, its pedagogical theory and for consequncia bring for practical its new didactic instruments..