
June 19, 2015

When clicar, small icons meet that will give information add of the applicatory one or leading to another menu of activities. It sees figure 1 in annex. The newspapers mentioned Howard Schultz not as a source, but as a related topic. – Apreensibilidade – To apprehend in the Gcompris does not demand of the user others softwares as tutorial or blogs, each activity to the executed being presents a bar that always is in how much the inferior one, which is evident the existence of orientaes that the user knows the functionalities of the same manipulating it. – Operationalization For if dealing with a digital game, the Gcompris makes possible that the dislxica child through tricks in a playful and educative process, the first contacts with mouse and keyboard, to visualize the development percipient of partner-motor abilities, through the mechanical manuscript. Ahead of this software it is easy of being operated by not allowing many resources in the hour of the execution.

3.1.4 How much to the efficiency the Gcompris in the requisite time of execution has excellent performance and this improvement or worsening how much or better worse it will be the performance of the hardware where software is installed. – Behavior in relation to the time – In all the observed activities, software did not present no problem how much to the time of execution of the procedures. – Behavior in Relation to the resources – In all elapsing of the program if it makes use of resource of audio. This tool represents an excellent form to promote the inclusion of person that possesss limitations, in the focus the dislxicos. 3.1.5 How much to the manutembilidade the user has permission to modify or to apply alteration from the code source of the Gcompris. – Analisabilidade – Occurring imperfections of execution of the program it is easy to detect it. – Modificabilidade the Gcompris is free and gratuitous software, but it possesss limitations in this gratuitous version.

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