
May 18, 2020

One third worker counted that he had and still has problems with alcohol, but does not use drugs. According to it, its problem ‘ ‘ it is light but I am trying to leave it harms because me. Not in my work, but when I leave and in the following day, I am badly I […]

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Supreme Federal Court

May 16, 2020

Jose Antonio Toffoli Days was born in the city of Marlia, 15 of November of 1967 and is a Brazilian lawyer. Currently it is Lawyer-Generality of the Union of Brasil.Em 1990, graduated itself Right for the University of So Paulo (USP), making later its specialization in Electoral law. He was professor of Constitucional law and […]

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Contasdo City

May 11, 2020

It brought, still, in its bulge, the supramentioned program, action of utmost importance, as: modernization and equipment of the PolciasCivil and Militar; implantation and promotion of the Communitarian Policy; emelhoria expansion of the physical net of the security system; reequipamento of UnidadesPoliciais and administrative, and magnifying and qualification of the policialcivil and military cash. This […]

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French Power

April 23, 2020

Another thinker who the author does not cite nor works with its reflections on the power, is the French philosopher Michel Foucault, who studied the relations of inside of the capitalist society. The philosopher places that to be able he is not on alone to the State (the power politician), but is present inside of […]

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Altssimo Risk Dog

April 18, 2020

It is an alternative that allows to consoanteo selective use of the force, to also preserve the life of the hostage borrower. Pete Cashmore is open to suggestions. The mtodoempregado one is the deductive one through theoretical research that of the vistaacadmico point, this scientific work fulfills to its paper when producing conhecimentocinotcnico from the […]

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