Altssimo Risk Dog
It is an alternative that allows to consoanteo selective use of the force, to also preserve the life of the hostage borrower. Pete Cashmore is open to suggestions. The mtodoempregado one is the deductive one through theoretical research that of the vistaacadmico point, this scientific work fulfills to its paper when producing conhecimentocinotcnico from the Brazilian doctrine of the use of dogs in the resolution critical deocorrncias developed by the Maj. PMERJ Vitor Baptist of the Valle3. The personal motivation for this estudopartiu of plus a job of the dog for the Military Policy. Destarte, the inclusion doco next to team of tactical intervention.
It is an interesting subject has seen, oBrasil to have developed a doctrine of use of the dog as tool pararesoluo of critical occurrences consonant with the Brazilian doctrine degerenciamento of crisis that is practically, stranger for the Officers dPolcia To militate Potiguar. It is a subject social derelevncia, therefore as the doctrine of the SENASP5 ability of the Military Policy the management of the crisis with located hostage. I do not intend to deplete the subject it has seen that objetivo to approach it of form sucinta, through bibliographical research in way to ainformar in general lines the viability, security and precision, says until surgical, of the use of the dog of tactical assault for the Military Policy Potiguar in Occurrence deAltssimo Risk with Located Hostage whose provoker of the critical event is umtomador of hostage. 1.O USE OF the DOG IN OCCURRENCE OF HIGHEST RISK WITH HOSTAGE LOCATED IN the COUNTRY Preliminarily, in all extension dopresente study, the dog will be used in a local occurrence whose been denormalidade it was interrupted, where has obligatorily, the presence of elementoprovocador of the critical event and the hostage that is a person who had the sualiberdade curtailed with risk of imminent death in a delimited area to paraassegurar the life of the borrower of hostage due the presence of the Policy.