August 15, 2024
Introduction In function of some problems that we observe, either in the preschool or pertaining to school environment, relation to the supposed lack of limits that the parents impose the children, attitude who certainly the child goes to repeat in the school, what confuses the learning process all, I decided to carry through this research […]
May 19, 2020
The collected data had been analyzed of qualitative form, searching linking enter the results gotten with the studied theoretical beddings. Thus, we establish relations between practical theory and, considering that also we act as teacher of the cited school and live deeply in I lease the contributions and influences of this partnership in the pedagogical […]
April 10, 2019
The Maltese Islands are located in the middle Mediterranean Sea, south of the Italian island of Sicily, so there is always warm and sunny. And this too is not unimportant, because you do not need to adjust to a specific time and date when you are comfortable – if and go, the more that you […]
April 3, 2019
You'll be able to make design skills not only at home but also provide their services to friends and acquaintances, family, find long-term customers. These days, when almost every household operates a computer, computer courses are needed as never before. Computer courses are provided for both highly experienced users, and for beginners. It is worth […]
December 20, 2018
The bands met with much lack of support in all the directions. The band paraded with jeans and the shirt with the symbol of the school, did not have a uniform standard that of this prominence the band, lacked musical instruments to take care of the formation of the band. This generated a discomfort for […]
January 19, 2016
Competing for customers is equal to the price of identical goods from all sellers and all buyers. For competing producers is equal to the price of his labor (or equal to earnings) to Equal quantities of costs. For sellers, competing with buyers, it's cover price of the product and its cost of production equal the […]
January 8, 2016
Long gone are the days when students could afford to live only for only one scholarship and to give all the unemployed gay student life time learning. Today, unfortunately, a considerable number of students in Institutes obyazanysamostoyatelno earn equity in their lives. As a result – to study the forces can not be found, and […]
September 21, 2015
This Law introduces a new to look at for the education, specifically for the pertaining to school organization, with contributions theoretician-metodolgicas stops a formal participation, legislator of one has controlled bureaucratic each bigger time on the educative institutions, the professors, the technician-administrative servers and pupils. We are valid in the affirmation of that the public […]
January 28, 2015
The PLANFOR came to make possible the workers to develop new actions in the scope of the education, for these diligent ones was important the education for one better understanding of the movements syndical Brazilian. In 1996 the federal government launches the SHOVELS, program of solidary alfabetizao in partnership with companies, municipal administration and university, […]
January 21, 2015
The concurrence of these difficulties is considered sufficiently frequent. In accordance with Graminha (1994), general way, the children with difficulty learning need a continuous psicopedaggico support until reaching desirable levels satisfactory of letramento. A strategy is suggested where the actions are directed for the child and its family. In this perspective, the letramento would be […]
August 15, 2012
Which the paper of the professor of Portuguese language, ahead of this picture, since the reading and the writing are being stimulated for the technological innovations? The reply it can be atrelada to the relation between the linguistic varieties and the literal sorts. The field of the research of the emergent literal sorts in the […]
June 6, 2012
Modernity: yesterday, today and tomorrow modernity can be assigned as a set of experiences gifts in day-by-day, joining the species human being. A unit of desunidade, in constant change, search of the new. To be modern is to be part of a universe in which, as Marx said, ' ' everything what it is solid […]
August 24, 2011
In recent years, have significantly increased interest in the English language as a means of international communication. He is already recognized as the language of professional communication in various fields, and the emergence of computers has put his use in a special position in comparison with other languages. Now there are so many opportunities for […]