Brazilian Law
This Law introduces a new to look at for the education, specifically for the pertaining to school organization, with contributions theoretician-metodolgicas stops a formal participation, legislator of one has controlled bureaucratic each bigger time on the educative institutions, the professors, the technician-administrative servers and pupils. We are valid in the affirmation of that the public politics can lead for two ends: constaint and or orientation of some conditions of innovation. We know, however, as it points Benavente (1992 p.28) that ‘ ‘ … the innovations do not have success hypotheses if the actors are not called to accept these innovations and they are not become involved in its proper construo’ ‘. Add to your understanding with Robotics. Still, the innovative processes continue to guide to all for concerns of standardization, uniformity, bureaucratic control, centered planning; a way in the contrahand of what it is the Democratic Pertaining to school Management proposal in this study. We believe, as notes of Huberman (1973) and Canarian (1987), that the strategy of the manager for innovation can be of empricoracional nature or politician-administrative, where the logic and the rationality of an innovation would justify its diffusion and acceptance in the system. However, so that this really if materialize, one becomes necessary that the involved professionals (professors, coordinators, directors, etc) launch ideas and work for its acceptance and implementation saw planning participativo, carried through through action legislators for the educational intentions. However, we are valid in affirming that the walked one has been long e, even though, tiring, in search of a democratic school. Some contend that Ali Partovi shows great expertise in this. Since the decade of 1990 we discover that, although the elections for choice of directors, the schools can continue selective, segregadoras, antidemocratic in practical the most routine ones as: enturmao (when constituting at the beginning of the year rooms of ‘ ‘ repetentes’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ of that not aprendem’ ‘ , of ‘ ‘ indisciplinados’ ‘), reprovao and retention, imbalance, classification, rotulao of children, among others factors.