The Pupils
Which the paper of the professor of Portuguese language, ahead of this picture, since the reading and the writing are being stimulated for the technological innovations? The reply it can be atrelada to the relation between the linguistic varieties and the literal sorts. The field of the research of the emergent literal sorts in the new context of interaction still was little explored. New sorts appear, others are adapted, each one with its linguistic peculiarities. The school is responsible for the correlation between the norm and the use of the language, adjusted to the discursivos sorts, new or emergent. SUGGESTION OF ACTIVITY WITH the USE OF the ORKUT AND the MSN IN PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE the professor will allow that in the laboratory of computer science of the school, the pupils ' ' they open its respective orkuts and msns' ' that sends messages its friends (messages), similar of that if it observes the linguistic structure of which is if using to communicate itself in this dialogue. After approximately 20 minutes, it is hour to close the programs, and to argue with the colleagues which words ' ' different and novas' ' they had been used during the exchanges of messages and messages during the carried through activity. After that it is hour to write in the notebook, the used words in the dialogue and or exchanges of messages and electronic messages. After this moment, the professor must ask for to the pupils who still in group elaborate posters in the format of a computer monitor, of which the pupils will use the words written down in its notebooks to copy them in these ' ' monitors made with posters (bristol boards) ' ' will place these words in the following way: Of a side of the poster, used words in digital way for the pupils and it another one the original orthography of the Portuguese language, that is, the cultured norm, also known as norm standard of the Portuguese language.