October 15, 2018
The religion Catholic also mined the escravista economic system of the time, therefore it nailed release of the slaves, on the other hand to the barbarous invasions inside generated the problem of the division of the territory, aggravated for the occurred population increase of the proper Roman domnios (PILETTI and ARRUDA, 1994, P. 84). To […]
August 10, 2017
In the case of the education of History, still predominantly factual, the technologies, used adequately, can contribute to incorporate new boardings, in the direction to always rescue history in a perspective critical-dialectic, in construction, being placed professors and pupils as citizens of the process, making possible a new conception to make history. (ROMEIRA, 2010). The […]
November 19, 2016
In what it says respect to the land historical dopatrimnio preservation of the city of Belm, the situation meets emum been serious. the present article goes sample the situation where if encontramo Palacete Pine, Palacete Bologna, the Market of Is Braz and the WaldemarHenrique Theater. Not obstante the innumerable difficulties emse to preserve the historic […]
November 9, 2016
Historians point out this moment as the result of a process that if developed in that period, where the practical politics kept out of society the society with elitist measures, creating a social segregacionismo, with the implantation of measures who solapavam the popular layers. The call ‘ ‘ boot abaixo’ ‘ , that she demoliu […]
November 3, 2016
Searching the transformation, first of the pertaining to school universe and consequently of its daily one, thus contributing, with professor practises. When being about the racial relations in the school, if he cannot disrespect its reality of country marked for cultural and racial diversity. As the organization of the school reflects the organization of the […]