Contasdo City

May 11, 2020

It brought, still, in its bulge, the supramentioned program, action of utmost importance, as: modernization and equipment of the PolciasCivil and Militar; implantation and promotion of the Communitarian Policy; emelhoria expansion of the physical net of the security system; reequipamento of UnidadesPoliciais and administrative, and magnifying and qualification of the policialcivil and military cash. This program was white of analysis for the doEstado Court of Accounts – TCE (to see Executive Summary distributed by the Agency) and counted to compreviso of budgetary resources of R$647.378 millions, of which somenteR$240.547 millions had been pledged, representing destarte, 37% of the foreseen one, oque, lastimavelmente, if configure a great deficiency in the management, have vistaa importance of the program for the bahian society. The verdict of this test of inefficacy in the management of the recursospblicos ones came to tona with its result, therefore the reduction in the investments narea of public security and specifically in the auditadas actions, contribuiupara the permanence or aggravation of the deficiencies that had been sistematicamenteapontadas in the report elaborated for the TCE, in which we detach, the heading deexemplo: the deficiency in the atinentea area material resources (viaturas, fuel, armaments and the ammunition, equipment of individual protection, physical installations (with prominence for ascelas overcrowded and in precarious been of conservation) etc) and the deficiency in the management of human resources (effective, conditions of work, deficiencies in the formation courses ecapacitao of the policemen etc), amongst others. It is not intended here, with this text, to discourage nem’ ‘ alfinetar’ ‘ with negative aspects, salutar and beneficial program that however sedeflagra, which comes bringing resulted satisfactory in other beings TCE/Court of Contasdo City – TCM), therefore even so the program in guideline is of the Federal Government, executado in partnership with the states and cities. However, it is necessary to emphasize, for a reason or purpose reflection, oque only decrees article 144 of the Federal Constitution when it establishes that ‘ ‘ the public security is to have of the State, right and responsibility of todos’ ‘ , therefore, they participate actively eabracem this program as if he was ‘ ‘ tnel’ ‘ , therefore, without the participation of all impossible it will be to long for the intended objective. Concluding, it is to salutar to stand out that the application of the Programa’ ‘ Territory of Paz’ ‘ it means the arrival simultaneous of projects that if articulamno social and police scope, atrelados the social action and of security pblicade preventive character e, without the shadow of a doubt, is of basic importnciapara the bahian society, that, untiringly, comes begging for the conquest dreamed dato social peace. They cover of the State the fulfilment of its duty and fight pelasconquistas of its rights, with comprometimento and responsibility. (*) The author is Bachelor in Sciences Econmicase After-Graduate Public administration for the College Visconde de Cairu..

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