ZNO Search
As a rule, many webmasters are concerned about: what topic to create a website (blog) that he did not get lost in the depths of the World Wide Web, and so it went visitors, allowing earnings to net their creators. Most recently appeared on Yandex Yandeks.Interesy section, which will help define the theme of the planned resource. It contains information about the most popular at the moment of search queries. As it turned out, the main search topic of the month of June and first half of the Ukraine became the World Cup – 2010. In a short time, users were asked about Internet championship more than 355 thousand requests – this is 2.5 times larger than the Eurovision Song Contest in May, 3 times more than on the presidential elections in January and almost 5 times more than the Winter Olympics.
Football fans and fans looking for a schedule and goals scored by individual matches. In the top Yandex-interest and got vuvuzela became famous, however, it took only 29th place. Russians are increasingly interested in vuvuzeloy – they have it at 20 sites. The second place ranking Ukrainian – almost 93 thousand requests, took the results ZNO (Zovnshn Square otsnyuvannya). High school graduates looking for test results, and along with answers to test questions. The top 10 search interests were two of the holiday – the Day of Medical Workers, who finished 4th and Youth Day – 9th place. A closes ten new draft Tax Code of Ukraine (10th place) – the popularity it even a little ahead of Apple iPhone 4 (11th place). Under Yandeks.Interesy can find the same information and for the past month to understand what web users most actively looking for. With information on popular topics for the site and that people have searched for in the past year or last month, we can predict what they will look in the near future and fill the site to date information. This strategy will help in the promotion and raise resource online earnings of its creator.