The Amaznia
The Amaznia in turn, makes use of biggest biodiversity doplaneta; of the biggest water reserve candy of the planet, it offers the baciahidrogrfica greater of the Land, the one of the biggest global granaries of alimentosictiolgicos and hidroelectric potential greater of Brazil. It has not milagrerelacionado to this, but one serious politics, engaged, integrated, says MELLO (2000) Osdesafios of the scientific production of the Amaznia is well different of what displayed asituao previously, according to TUNDISI (2001), the problems that, doponto of scientific and technological sight can catalyze action of extraordinrioalcance for the sustainable development of the Amaznia, with consequences in all opas are innumerable amongst some of them we will see to follow: Initially, it has that to mention itself to the paper dAmaznia in the cycles hidrolgico and of energy of the planet and the climate of the Terra.Reside a vast area of performance who can here be centered in the Project deExperimentos on a large scale of the Biosfera and, consolidated in a new iniciativainstitucional that can enclose the relations climate-hidrologia-biology emgrandes annual cycles, interanuais and of long duration; The studies on eaqutica terrestrial biodiversity are another basic priority for the region, being able to promote umavasta irradiation in the area of the biotechnology and the drawing and conceptions sustainable, vile detecnologias vile the o knowledge already acquired (still poucoutilizado) of the populations human beings autctones. The rational exploration of the aquatic biotaterrestre and of the Amaznia must mobilize the scientific, technological and enterprise community; Herbaceous and arbustiva use of the fertile valley, comoalimento for herbvoros in cattle area, is plus an example of the exploraoracional and sustainable, it fishes it in handling systems contributing napreservao recovery of the aquatic fauna of lakes and areas of preservation; The organized mining, for its character pontuale partner-economic dismemberments, is certainly, for its turn more efficient dosinstrumentos for the occupation and rational exploitation of the region; The culture related to the rational exploration terrestrial and aquatic dabiodiversidade must be without a doubt, another object of amplose varied antropolgicos, sociological studies, sociolbjeto of ample and varied studies antroplcazes paraa ocupanga dura can enclose the relauicos; The Amaznia is ample continuum decondies differentiated throughout the 3,000 space gradients of 2.000 extension km, osestudos must be situated in representative regions of the subsystems; An ample program of formation and qualified dopessoal setting. .