June 12, 2024
However, a pedagogia very elaborated well is necessary that really brings a motivation to the children and young, with the objective to rescue moral, familiar values and religious that today reveals so obsolete in our society. In this direction, catequese must be seen as base for insertion to the life social spiritual and, aiming at […]
May 22, 2020
Obviously, it is of common knowledge of the persecutions, murders and one without number of atrocities committed mainly for the Church Catholic in the imposition of its religious faith and that the acceptance of this inevitably would not bring the disappearance of that if they opposed to this. This religious imposition, was not limited only […]
December 14, 2019
A way out, however, is. While the resource is not lost and we have reached a technological development is to such an extent that the human capacity enough to populate other planets, we must act! First likely to vyzhivalcheskoy diversification necessary to carry out resettlement. A crowd of people on only one planet – a […]
March 8, 2017
The controversy on clulas-tronco* has been argued very in the world and in particular Brazil in the viability and the morality concerning the use of cell-trunk for the cure of illnesses, however the quarrel when massificar itself for the media is permeada of great disinformation. The Church is seen as an institution that wants to […]