Scientific Software

January 10, 2015

So, as the accurate use of terms or phrases in the voice-over, as well as their combination with the images in the foreground could be in an analysis-based less aesthetic characteristics. This would be E.g. an in advance extended or modified category scheme for the use of concepts and their perception by the Viewer which deductive is brought to the film material, as well as an inductive extension of an existing scheme from the present material out. 3.4. categorization the category schema is created, it is to examine this material to highlight corresponding parts of the film, or to categorize. A detailed film analysis requires sometimes many categories for determining the statements or the sub text of single or many film contributions and possibly performed by several observers. To determine the goodness of a made categorization that independently by different researchers, the Interkoderreliabilitat can be E.g.

using Cohen’s Kappa coefficient (see, e.g. MAYRING 2000). Therefore, the use of a corresponding analysis software basically is recommended. Exemplary is here on ATLAS.ti (Scientific Software developement, 1997-2005) resorted, settled with comparable products, but also the procedures (including video graph, interact and Winmax, whereby the latter as well as ATLAS.ti) not originally designed for the analysis of video data but allows) implement. Keeping this is that ATLAS.ti is declining not the analysis in the sense the researchers, but supported him in the management of the individual components in the context of a hermeneutic unit. The tool allows in addition to text documents and film documents incorporate and highlight film parts. I.e. by determining a start and an end point, a film area is set, which can be equipped with a formulated text code. This avoids at the same time lugging coils of footage because the material in digital form can be selected directly. When working with ATLAS.ti conceptual connection to grounded theory analysis schema is promptly (1967, 1998) after GLASER & STRAUSS.

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