
April 9, 2014

Likewise, it is considered that the organizational competitiveness associated with the capacity of organizations to learn more quickly and to adapt, as well as to make applications more relevant and assume the guidelines more synchronized with the demands of the environment. The key idea of this argument is understood easily by using reflection that offers us Senge (1990), in terms that Yes well it is true that people learning does not ensure organizational learning, it is no less true that there can be no organizational learning regardless of the learning from the people. In this context there is a strong relationship between competitiveness of organizations and organizational learning. In this context, the human factor reigns in organizations, by being able to have insight, assume or infer available remedy. By better than information systems and data banks, with more new ones that are investigations in the area of artificial intelligence, until today not been computers that think as human beings, capable of making decisions based on sensitivity.We are experiencing a revolution that, far from being a fad, is the result of irreversible and uncontrollable forces: globalization, informatization, economic disintermediation and the intangibilizacion. Posed before leads to deepen, in the present study, concerning the management of knowledge in organizations. For Garvin (1998), knowledge management obtains and share intellectual property, with the aim of achieving results optimal in terms of productivity and innovation capacity of organizations. It is a process that encompasses generate, collect, assimilate and exploit the knowledge with a view to generate a more intelligent organization and competitive Tissen, Andrissen and Lekanne (2000) divided the management of knowledge in: functional knowledge management: companies, aware of the need to distribute information throughout the Organization, are employing a number of techniques of functional knowledge management with the main concern of connecting people with the system that is used for the distribution and the transfer of information that builds knowledge.

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