New Technologies
In the case of the education of History, still predominantly factual, the technologies, used adequately, can contribute to incorporate new boardings, in the direction to always rescue history in a perspective critical-dialectic, in construction, being placed professors and pupils as citizens of the process, making possible a new conception to make history. (ROMEIRA, 2010). The professor will have to use itself of the technology as a complement for its speech in room, one I assist to also get greater agreement of the content for its pupils and audiovisual prolongation that produces a real contact between the current pupils and events and historical facts. Ally to the technological resources the professor must have domain of the contents to be transmitted and dynamic in the used methodology in the classroom, over all to trace changes in the base and the reconstruction of the education of history to the pupil. The new technologies of information must be used in such a way to develop the knowledge grouped to the research, the questioning and the quarrel, forming critical, skillful to the social development and agent pupils of its proper histria.CONSIDERAES FINAISNo history education the used methodology as the content transmitted in classroom must be rethink to the measure that has transformations more good to benefit the pupils and so that they can reach the objective to be participant assets as citizen of its proper determinative history and of the history of the nation.
The technology is the support that determines part of this transformation when used as tool of support to the pedagogical process of the history education, of this form the technological resources had contributed for perfectioning of the quality of education and the knowledge gotten for aluno.REFERENCIASANJOS, Juracy of. Education and Technology: A necessary alliance. Salvador, 2007. Available in: : . Access in: 18 of Abr. of 2010.CABRINI, Conceio et al. Ensino de Histria.
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