How To Choose A Hairstyle ?
Everyone has long known that hair – jewelry women. Hairstyle can sometimes change a man beyond recognition. It can decorate any man and harmoniously complement his beautiful face, either completely spoil it. Question correct choice of hairstyles is especially important for girls. So, what do you choose? The main thing that must be considered when choosing a hairstyle – it's the ratio of face shapes and hairstyles. Each form has its own types of hairstyles that hide weaknesses of your face and emphasize the benefits. Dear ladies, it is important to choose the right hairstyle. To do this, use these little tricks.
If your face has an elongated rectangular shape, your forehead quite high and his chin – a long, straight hair then bangs. In any case not cut short. It is desirable to slightly tighten the hair inside, using a curling iron. If you have a triangular shape individuals: a narrow chin and broad cheekbones you just need to make a forward fringe. Your hairstyle should be lush. This face shape is usually very fit combed back hair.
With a square face shape to hide massive forehead, large jaw and wide chin. In no case do not do thick bangs! Hair or put better backcombed vonami. Asymmetry in the hair hides the rough square of your face. If your face is round: low forehead, high cheekbones, plump cheeks, in any case not cut bangs. The hair should be long, straight. Parted – even, in the middle. Straight strands will frame the contours of your face and visually lengthen it. If your hair is twisted, often use a hair straightener. However, before you follow the above advice and fly headlong into the barbershop, take a look at yourself in the mirror and find out what face shape you have bestowed Nature. If you do not know how to define the shape of the face, then grab a pen and water on a mirror reflection of his face outline the contour. The resulting figure, in most cases and will conform to the shape of your face. And most importantly, before you go to the barber and sit in a chair, think about what you really want from their new hairstyles. Check if this hairstyle is right for you, good, now very much computer programs that provide an opportunity to experiment on their appearance on a photograph. If you would like to be done exactly the hairstyle that you want, look in magazines with photos of the hairstyle and bring it to the hairdresser. And remember, color of eyes you can easily change with the lens, bad make-up – easy to wash with hot water and correct the shortcomings of your figure by buying corrective underwear – all of these shortcomings corrected immediately, but with unfortunate hair you have to walk at least a month until the hair grows back. So do not make the wrong choice!