Graminha Practical
The concurrence of these difficulties is considered sufficiently frequent. In accordance with Graminha (1994), general way, the children with difficulty learning need a continuous psicopedaggico support until reaching desirable levels satisfactory of letramento. A strategy is suggested where the actions are directed for the child and its family. In this perspective, the letramento would be given through a deep social practical immersion of the child in of reading and the writing, being distinguished any type of didactic activity that did not have strait bond with these practical. Another example of activities that help the child to develop the cognitivo would be to insert tricks or exercises induced that it to speak spontaneously, disclosing, thus, its difficulties, leaving of an analysis to verify itself what the child more likes to make, stimulating it in accordance with to develop it the critical reasoning its age. The 2 PERCEPTIONS OF the LEARNING OF the READING AND WRITING During much time, the alfabetizao was understood as mere process of agreement of the B+A=BA, that is, as acquisition of a code created in the relation between fonemas and graphemes. In a society consisting, to a large extent, for illiterates and marked by one reduction in practical of reading and the writing, the simple fonolgica conscience, that allowed to the individuals to the association of sounds and letters to produce, to interpret short words and phrases, seemed to be enough to differentiate the alfabetizado one of the illiterate. With passing of the years, the overcoming of the illiteracy in mass and the increasing complexity of the society, had propitiated the sprouting of varied practical of the use of the language, said and writing. So strong they are the apelos that the world scholar exerts on the people, whom already the capacity to draw letters is not enough to them or to decipher the code of the reading.