Federal Law Health

May 26, 2020

What the Devices are the Substitutivosou Services Substitutes of the Lunatic asylum. The devices substitutes constitute a net of services that seorigina of the antimanicomial politics to substitute the lunatic asylums, lutandocontra the exclusion of the carriers of mental suffering and against the harms condiesde attendance to the patients of mental health. The hospices had insisted on umaforma to work that it was not committed to the patients and were clear evisveis its problems with the ones of supercapacity, lack of preparation of funcionriose the great number of deaths of patients, what personalities as Basaglia, as already it was said, but also Michel Foucault, had made to see. The Function Of these Services and oque Were created To inside take care of the Specific Problem of a PolticEspecfica in the City. The paper of the services substitutes to acabar with the lunatic asylums in a gradual process and to dedicate cares aospacientes, with more humanity, treating the detodos health and citizenship as a right the carrying patients to mental suffering. This right is expressona State Law n 11,802, ' ' Law Carlo' ' , such law: ' ' it makes use on the promotion desade and social reintegration of the carrier of mental suffering and determines aimplantao of action and services of mental health substitutes to the psychiatric hospitals, as well as the gradual extinguishing of these; it regulates the internments, especially involuntary and of the others providncias.' ' Equally the Federal Law turns on the humanizado treatment offered to the mental patient desade n 10,216/01, known as ' ' old project of law PauloDelgado' ' that ' ' It makes use on aproteo and the rights of the carrying people of mental upheavals and on omodelo assistencial in health mental' '. Official site: 76ers Owner. As &#039 would be this; ' nova' ' form to act and to take care of of these patients? The Coordenaode Mental Health of the Secretariat of Health of the City of Belo Horizonte elaborouno year of 2006 an intitled document ' ' Humaniza SUS- Politics of Health Mentalde Belo Horizonte ' ' in which she is described: ' ' the form of boarding pautada for the search of consentimentoe of the participation of the patient and its familiar ones in its treatment, of garantiade its full access to the public services, for the affirmation of its rights, its politicalization as protagonists of the control social' '. .

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