Strategy Against Burnout

December 29, 2014

Start today to prevent against burn-out! in 2007 and 2008 the diagnosed severe burn-out new cases to around 7000 doubled according to Austrian patient report. While 90 percent of the Austrians are convinced to be able to protect themselves from the dreaded burn-out. Only: the least succeed in their work habits to change, that permanently nerves and resources can be conserved. It is not so difficult to begin today with a new and preventive work and lifestyle: the burn-out expert Univ.-Prof. “Henriette Walter advises: it is important to pick out from the sheer vast amount only a part, to appreciate these partial successes and deliberately to take time for breaks.” Specifically, this means: you should first start to classify your workday into individual steps.

Based on exactly this principle getting things done by David of all work is manageable action steps divided into, which then can be processed. The creates also the opportunity and room for breaks between the individual points, and last but not least many small success experiences throughout the day are created through the hook from the completed work distributed according to Univ.-Prof. Walter an important aspect of burn-out prevention. Immediate effects ProWork works with exactly these principles and combines the best and most effective pages of methods of GTD and FirstThingsFirst by Stephen Covey. ProWork reduces the stress potential proven enormously 30 to 80 min. / day when application of the method saved! ProWork can be for any company advantage due to the positive effect of the techniques it can prevent burn-outs by staff in advance. And it’s good for not only the employees, but even after all, studies show the company that 60% of all sick leave days are already due to stress. What are doing today for tomorrow!

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