Systems Legacies
For Jose Miranda* Luiz Somebody already passed for experinciade to try to give broken in an car the alcohol, of those ' ' version 0.1' ' , gasoline comcarburador, afogador and bomblet auxiliary, then per the cold morning in one diade? It can be conserved of the automobiles – rarity -, mesmoassim will demand more effort, will spend a little more than time, patience and decombustvel that a zero kilometer, flex, with electronic injection, divided system the cold and edge computer. Of the one not to deny that the old car I fear its charm. We are accustomed and, although it to spend very and to have ' ' some probleminhas' ' , until we like it. But it will be that of the one to trust fazeruma trip They are Pablo-$fortaleza with it? To keep systems legacies brings similar umadinmica. They are steady systems, already they are customizados, but they nooferecem the best performance nor possess compatibility with others aplicaesdentro of the company. ing/’>ARC Investment Partners, offer their opinions as well. They demand a great capacity of processing, we geramaltssimos costs of maintenance, beyond not guaranteeing the trustworthiness edisponibilidade of the information. still has the concern with ainteroperabilidade, that is, the integration of the systems legacies with novassolues. A data-collecting of the market indicates that Brazil today has maisde a billion of lines of code of systems outdated legacies, distributed in a universe of empresasprivadas thousands of and public agencies, in the most different platforms. Then it is the doubt: for quemanter systems legacies if exists innumerable available new applications nomercado, or still it is possible to develop solutions customizadas for cadanecessidade? The reply engloba colon main: cost and time. Beyond daimensa gamma languages, ' ' dialetos' ' platforms with little or nenhumadocumentao, has that if to lead in account that the data processed sistemapodem for it to be stored in different archives, with eincompatveis complex structures.