South Border

March 31, 2017

2 mico Acade of 2o peri odo of the course of ncia Cie of the Computac' to the one for the Federal University of the South Border. 1,0 INTRODUC' TO this article it has as objective exposic' to the one of the process of development of the new site of the Federal University of the South Border the internal and external community of instituic' to. This project counts on the partnership of the Program Iniciac&#039 Stock market; to the Acade mica/201, Direction of Systems, Direction of Comunicac' to and – the Pro reitoria one of Administrac' to and Infraestrutura of the UFFS. A project for development of a site of so great utilizac' to and it encloses ncia of a university multicampi as the UFFS it requires inu mere stages. Pesquisas and Ana lises sa the decisive factors to define the focus of the project. The process of development of systems and pec' the basic one for the good functioning of new aplicac' to. Organizac' to and administrac' to the one informac&#039 conteu of it of guarantees great value to it; to the one of instituic' to. It aims at it and the knowledge of ni vel of aceitac' to the one of usua rivers make possible preaim at are and planejamentos futures.

All this guideline and responsa vel for the resulted thymuses and satisfac' to. 2,1 CARRIED THROUGH RESEARCH Any that is to be developed site becomes necessa laughs one if rie of research. Necessary to know of that sera forms the site developed, managed and had access. This process and importanti ssimo to get good final results. Main half of research sa the sites of search in the Internet. Essential the search of similar sites what sera developed or that they have the same activity end. Around this and that sa found the real necessities of all the project.

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