Self-Esteem Issues

January 21, 2015

It described a syndrome as ' ' a complex structuralized and organized of pparently diverse especificidades (behaviors, thoughts, impulses of action, perception, etc), that, when studied carefully and validly, they show to have a common unit that can be called meaning variadamente dynamic, expression, quality, function or intention semelhante' '. A syndrome takes to a group of feelings and behaviors ' ' functionally equivalentes' ' relatively resistant to the change. Maslow indicated that each syndrome consists of many levels of generality. It suggested that we thought about a great box I contend lesser boxes, that, in turn, contains lesser boxes thus and successively. For example, it described a security syndrome. – It can contain 14 subsndromes, one of which it could be power-submission. – A unsafe person could express the necessity of being able in many ways, the one of them preconception.

– The trend to the preconception would be then one subsndrome of the necessity of being able. The analysis could continue, identifying subsndromes underlying to the preconception, and so on. Unhappyly, the concept of Maslow of personality syndromes little is argued in the remain of its workmanship, and a little ambiguous. For example, as the syndromes if develop and which are the possible types of syndromes? The examples of Maslow of syndromes of auto-esteem and security guard suggests that the necessities of its hierarchy offer the nuclei of the syndromes. This strategy would allow the pupil to trace parallels between the freudianos syndromes and types of character or junguianos complexes.

According to Maslow, this strategy ' ' it in such a way allows in them to be sophisticated concerning the particular one when of all, without wharf in a meaningless particularismo or a vacant and useless generality it allows in them to study simultaneous and effectively character only the common character. Auto-producers. Maslow believed that, if the psychologists to study incapacitated people exclusively, neurotics, who had suffered stops in its development, them probably will produce a psychology incomplete.

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