
October 18, 2012

&#039 is understood; ' Software livre' ' all the software that if it relates to the freedom of the users to execute, to copy, to distribute, to study, to modify and to perfect the code source of the same. Of what many believe linux are not only one gratuitous operational system, differently available in the Internet; the movement of world-wide free software standes out that most important in what says respect to this system, it is the ideological character that it loads: the idea of the freedom. This ' ' liberdade' ' it understands four directive ones for the users of this software: The freedom to execute the program, for any intention; The freedom of customizar the program, adaptando it for its necessities; The freedom to redistribute copies; The freedom to perfect the program, and to share such modifications for all the community. In this direction, I do not obtain to see another possibility seno the Linux for the school! To think the education under the optics of Pablo Freire directly sends about them to the universe of free software. What the freedom to run away is clamorousser in this universe seno of the oppression of software proprietor; to allow the transformation of the reality of the open codes; the cooperation relation that if establishes enters the desenvolvedoras communities of Linux; above all, what it is not clamorousser of what the conscientizadora action that this movement allows in them in relation to the digital inclusion, and because not to still stand out, the social responsibility of each citizen. With the Linux the user is subject in the creation process; he is the principal actor if thus to venture themselves. taking itself in account the profile of the young user that we find today in the school, it is of that we need. According to Pierre Levy, the three terms of order that follow young escolarizado the current one are: Interconnection, creation of virtual communities and collective intelligence.

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