United Nations

December 5, 2012

It is in accordance with the mission that the government assumed that it is to make Brazil to grow for todos.' ' in regards to the benefits and the responsibilities, for the National Politics of Solid Residues will have incentives for the industry of the recycling and cooperatives of catadores of material. determines that the management of the residues will be of responsibility of all: federal government, states, cities, companies and society. The paper, then, of the city halls to construct sanitary aterros ambiently adjusted, without reaproveitamento possibility, therefore ' ' lixes' ' , where the residues are launched the opened sky, they are forbidden. To the federal government she is charged the mission of will repass resources for cleanness and handling of residues for the city halls by means of the approval of a management plan. In if treating to the private productive sector for the new law manufacturers, importers, deliverers and salesmen they must collect the packings of products, as agrotxicos, lubricative stacks, batteries, tires, oils, light bulbs and eletroeletrnicos, this are a mechanism called ' ' logistic reversa' '. He is clear that this law represents a step very promising route to a bigger awareness of the national vision in what refers to one adequate ambient handling. Another interesting point if gave recently in day 16 of September of 2010, as study of the World-wide Organization of Meteorologia (OMM) and the Program of United Nations for the Environment (PNUMA) it was verified that ozone concentration in scale world-wide it did not vary having if kept steady in last the 10 years and would be due to gradual elimination of the substances that destroy the layer protective. This study it was to the first update in four years on this vital subject if it made a scientific evaluation of the exhaustion of the ozone layer in the year of 2010 and its credibility gained more notoriety, therefore to have been written and revised for 300 scientists to make front in day 16 of September – International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer of the ONU in Geneva.

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