August 8, 2024
The man creates weapons to construct the peace and destroys the hope to construct its capitalist empire, to the end all we will be white of tests of the weapons and the only certainty is that its wealth only will make them deceaseds with more luxurious burials. Silence will bring the peace, only in closing […]
May 14, 2020
In these mine almost 20 years of Internet (since 1991 when I was part of first the 1500 users of the Project-pilot Embratel), never I believed that a World-wide Net of computers could guarantee absolute confidencialidade. From the moment where if ‘ ‘ pluga’ ‘ a computer in a net, places a door of entrance […]
April 27, 2014
Distrustful that captain would go to try to eliminate me and to my group I commanded, them that they dressed its suits and they waited second order, was when, for the system of video of the ship, we saw Moak lieutenant of the Vampires, to confirm captain Silver, who all the armament ' ' extra' […]
December 9, 2012
This aid the person if to protect of thermal shocks, cooled, hipertenso, of cystitis, renais, espasmos, torcicolos problems and others males, derived from the act of somebody to arise themselves abruptly, with the still hot body, and to catch cold. It is clearly, I am speaking in general way, for the people who do not […]