The Idealists

January 3, 2014

Psychologically, emotions altered attention, make rise range certain behaviors in the hierarchy of the individual responses and activate relevant associative networks in memory. Physiologically, emotions organize quickly responses of different biological systems, including facial expressions, muscles, voice, the SNA and endocrine activity, in order to establish an optimum internal means for more effective behavior. Behaviorally, emotions serve to establish our position with regard to our environment, pushing us towards certain people, objects, actions, ideas and moving us away from others. The emotions also act as deposit of innate and learned, influences possessing certain characteristics and others that show some variation between individuals, groups, and cultures (Levenson)., tells us, we must not forget, there are 6 basic categories of emotions.

FEAR: Anticipation of a threat or danger that produces anxiety, uncertainty, insecurity. SURPRISE: Startle, surprise, uneasiness. It is very transient. You can give a cognitive approach to find out what happens. AVERSION: Disgust, loathing, we tend to move away from the object that produces us aversion. ANGER: Anger, anger, resentment, rage, irritability.

JOY: Fun, euphoria, gratification, happy, gives a feeling of well-being, of security. SADNESS: Grief, solitude, pessimism. If we take into account this adaptive purpose of emotions, we could say that they have different functions: fear: tend towards protection. SURPRISE: Helps to orient ourselves to the new situation. AVERSION: it produces rejection towards what we have before us. IRA: Leads us towards destruction. JOY: Leads us towards reproduction (want to reproduce that event that makes us feel good). SADNESS: it motivates us towards a new personal reintegration. Wikipedia adds us in its analysis, to determine the scope, relevance of the role of emotions in our lives, not we neglect, that the description of the emotions as almost all concepts related to the conduct and human cognition is subject to appreciation from two naturally opposing points of view. On the one hand, an idealistic explanation that is based on the concept of a universe infinitely complex whose absolute understanding only is in the hands of a Supreme and perfect being. At the other end a materialistic conception that describes universal phenomena, including those that explain the human condition, as a logical consequence of the initial configuration, elemental and simplified a universe, in its beginnings was only full of desire to create, or energy. The idealists regard emotions as a legacy Divine whose origin is not understandable by human mind not inspired. Emotions are invisible moods dictate the rules of individual and social conduct which prevent the beneficial or harmful effects of our actions and thoughts and explain the goodness of the causes. Trying to explain the emotions from this point of view implies, for the idealism, try reasoning the relationship that exists between human understanding and the designs of God. Divine inspiration communicates with human beings through emotions, emotions are characters of a language whose messages can only be understood by those who have achieved a level of understanding and higher spiritual abstraction of the works of God and men, philosophers, priests, diviners and emperors in these terms. Divinity and evil of all things emotions seen in this way explained without controversy. The gods, the elect and the Saints then are entities whose explanation is the emotional set that cause the believer or the inspired.

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