Teaching Identity

June 25, 2012

In the construction of the identity of the professor, in the different levels and modalities of education, associating theory and practical professor. Another aspect is the courses of formadores for basic education, and the programs of continued education. finally, to examine questions that involve the preparation of professors in superior educate. Then the professor always is very questioned, and its formation is one of the points that a special attention requires. The professor can be considered a solution for many educative problems, therefore she must have a quality formation, where she can have a partnership between the theory and the practical one. To be professor is not only to form itself in a university in the licenciatura courses or to say ‘ ‘ I am professor’ ‘.

To be professor is to be in a process that is in construction for all the life. At the current moment the professionals of the education have for obligation to make a relation between the practical one, to the theory and the society in which they act. Therefore the social requirements must provide to educating, in its formation, advances that the society integrates it. Thus, we perceive that the relation between the practical one and theory is important factors for a good formation of teaching identity. The necessary professor to be qualified in such a way in the theory (attending a course licenciaturas), as in the practical one using to advantage the previous experiences and to form its identity, its better form to deal with the pupils. The requirements how much to the teaching formation they do not appear by chance. As the necessary professor always to be if bringing up to date, to follow the social and technological evolution, it must also correspond to the formation of the citizen who the necessary society. is in the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education N 9,394/96, that the criteria for formation of the educator are presented.

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