October Nesting

October 20, 2016

The period of collection of data understood in the month of October of 2010. The nesting counts on 17 benefited for the credit Group, and having as main financial agent the northeast Bank. The estimate of the size of the sample was determined in accordance with Fonseca & Martins, for finite populations. It was gotten, thus, a sample of 14 Seated, (53.85% of the total population). The choice of the nesting was based on the following aspects: ) to be about a nesting that represents the projects of nestings of the region well; b) to be a nesting that presents a history in what the credits granted for the northeast Bank are mentioned, in special way PRONAF e; c) availability of necessary information to the study. As methods the descriptive analyses had been adopted, which had been constructed from the questionnaires, in accordance with what Gil considers (2002), on the use of the questionnaire as technique of composed inquiry for a number more or less raised of questions presented in writing to the people, having for objective the knowledge of opinions, beliefs, feelings, interests, expectations, situations lived deeply, etc., is used to take care of the different objectives and if they constitute in the study and quarrel of the data collected in the sample. To verify the quality of life, of the seated ones the real possibilities of social insertion of the families, the profile of the familiar agriculturists in the nesting, the Contributions and impacts promoted for the PRONAF in the nesting and the MST and its relation with PRONAF had been taken in consideration. THE PRONAF AND SOCIAL INCLUSION OF THE SEATED FAMILIES. In recent years, the debates around the importance and the paper of familiar agriculture for the Brazilian development are gaining force, potencializada for the debates in lathe: of the sustainable development, of the generation of job and income, of the alimentary security, the social inclusion and territorial however local development however.

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