Finding Niches

August 21, 2012

The main work that we have the industralists of Internet, is to define clearly which is the market which we want to follow and if it is worth the pain or not to concentrate in that niche of market. Because if it is not worth the pain, then simply I must look for another one, because I cannot waste my time, my resources and my money trying to do something that in the investigation of marketing I have managed to determine that it is not going to be something very profitable. In the case that they prefer to enter a field where apparently it is saturated or there is much competition, it means that the people of that niche are buying products, because if no, there would not be so many companies offering those products and services. The error that commits the greater amount of people is that they begin to look for a market niche and try to select one in which exists or very little competition or no competition. And then there same is where is the error, because if there is no competition, basically it means that most possible it is than is not a hot market, is not a market that is spending money in that niche of market, in such a way that you go a to lose valuable time, resource and money in the process. Now, when you go to a market where indeed there is competition, where she is verified that other people indeed are or offering products and services to that niche of market, the work independent of if she takes one hour you from investigation, two hours of investigation or a month of investigation, is to see exactly what is what your competition is offering to its respective markets, what type of products, what type of services; if they are digital products, they are offering how it, to what price, if they have or they do not have a cc$bbs, if they accept or they do not accept publicity in his blogs or their Web sites, and to try to make a supply that differentiates to you from the others.

The objective is not to offer just like everybody is offering, but to offer something very superior and something very different, or is in format or price or supply, something that differentiates to you and that according to people you are the adapted option, that they mainly buy to you by the rest of competition that it has. And the unique form to do that, is analyzing in detail what is what it is making the competition from all point of view. If they have cc$bbses, suscrbete to the cc$bbs. If they have products and you want to buy them, he analyzes his bills of sale, cmpralos, etc. Is very possible, and is much people who allow publicity in her respective blogs, and you perfectly could dominate to the competition placing publicity of Google AdWords in the Web sites of those people who or have the traffic, or have fidelizada people. That is, you are not practically going to be beginning of zero and the work is going to be much, much more easy.

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