Europe Infrastructure
. Annual maps. Monthly maps. Water balance … Weather in the region and gained consensus on the next “Perspective …
EELA proposes a set of technologies and innovative strategies. Technologically, the challenge is to efficiently share a large amount of data over a network using a global file system. This integrated platform is to increase the capacity of computer in Europe and even more in Latin America, thanks to the possibility of redistributing the computational load by migrating jobs across national borders in a completely transparent to users.
From a strategic standpoint, the project deploys EELA infrastructure computational and storage of data through a deep integration with the national platforms, strongly linked to a network by means of advanced software grid. Have been identified and agreed strategies for coordinated operation. The result is an integrated infrastructure whose capabilities are greater than the sum of its constituent parts.
The benefits of grid applications that run on the EELA infrastructure are twofold: Besides the obvious scientific importance, many of these applications have a significant social impact. New inhibitors for malaria, influenza and other neglected diseases (responsible for the deaths of thousands of people daily), access to education for people who are isolated and better weather forecasts are good examples. The fronts are often associated with weather systems … In the weather maps are marked with a line of red dots and …
weather maps in libraries in dictionaries, encyclopedias, UTILITIES AND RESOURCES … Excellent weather maps for Europe for a service that …
… weather maps from high altitudes, so knowing the exact position of the … weather surface, which are also weather maps, is …