Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Thus, some methodologies/techniques had appeared for the accomplishment of improvements in the manufacture in order to require increase of the competitive power of the companies, generating in them capacity for the sharing of global markets. Between these tools that join quality and manufacture are the Just in Time (JIT), Total Quality Management (TQM), Optimized Productin Tecnology (OPT), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). It is distinguished that the function manufactures can be defined as activities that conceive production cycle. These activities also start with the development/planning of the product and of its process of manufacture, detached as with the specifications of the marketing area. Passing for the activities of manufacture/control of the suppliment and distribution production, arriving at the after-sales services that supply the considered information necessary to realimentar the too much activities (ALLIPRANDINI, 1996). Before this definition, it is distinguished necessity of an action taking to be played to direct the manufacture for the reach of results and objective leading the company to the competitive advantage and the total quality. Thus, the joints of these actions are called manufacture strategies.
Where the manufacture strategy understands decisions to be taken in the areas of operation of the manufacture, in order to reach a preset objective, enclosing, for in such a way, the development and the unfolding of resources of the manufacture lined up with the objectives and the strategies of the company (SWAMIDASS, 1986). In agreement reach of improvements becomes then desirable that actions of improvement and quality to be carried through in the manufacture have alignment with the strategical objectives of the organization, aiming at the competitive priorities that are established by the corporation. Slack author (1993) points the quality, flexibility, the cost and the performance in the deliveries as being factors of competitive priorities of a company.