Respiratory Physiotherapy

December 2, 2019

-Brief overview of respiratory physiotherapy. Respiratory physiotherapy has a fundamental instrument of mechanical type that are breathing exercises, whose mission is to increase alveolar ventilation to maintain an adequate gas exchange, restore to the diaphragm as main respiratory muscle, train the patient to perform respiratory movements coordinated and efficient to decrease the respiratory effort.Respiratory physical therapy goals is get the improvement of symptoms and stop the progression of the disease, getting the maximum physical, mental, social and labour capacity of the patient, facilitates the removal of secretions, decreases the respiratory work through reductions of bronchial resistance.During normal breathing, the diaphragm collapses and actively descends on the inhalation, exhalation acsiende passively against gravity, assisted by the lungs and expiratory muscles chest, unforced breathing diaphragmatic mobility is 1-3 cm and is responsible for 70% of the pulmonary ventilation and respiratory muscles bring the remaining 30%.People who suffer from any possible cause for the decline of this thoracic mobility, whether they are congenital malformations, trauma to the rib cage, spinal diseases, severe burns, or anatomical problems or functional lungs and adjacent tissues, tend anyway regardless of the seriousness of the case to decrease the elastic properties and recoil of the lungs and the diaphragm weakens and depresses and loses prominence as respiratory muscle, then respiratory and accessory muscles of the chest that are only used in physical efforts, acquire a compensatory function to maintain adequate ventilation, which increases the effort and enough energy for respiration and decreases the respiratory volumewhich increases the breathing rate superficial and inadequate, finally producing a few breathing little coordinated movements, with the emergence of different symptoms and processes of compensation such as increased RBCs or erythrocytosis (polycythemia). In this situation the patient should be helped so that the diaphragm can be functional again, to increase respiratory volume and this is accomplished through the respiratory physiotherapy. 3.-Brief overview of Oxigenoterapia.Se defined as oxygen therapy, the use of oxygen as therapy fundamental breathing for different pathologies that so require, through a specific and objective clinical approach.The direct effect is to increase the pressure of the alveolar oxygen, which attracts with a decreased respiratory work and myocardial work, needed to maintain blood oxygen pressure defined.Indications for the use of oxygen therapy can be summarized as follows: oxygen therapy is indicated, provided that there is a deficiency in the supply of oxygen to the tissues..

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