The Beginning
Then write down your goals in terms that serve you to publish and resolve these questions. Do you want to sell it as a product on your web site or just offer it as a free gift by filling out a form or buy a product?, do you want the chapters to create an e, or going to? use your eBook to attract affiliates around the world? The more you can resolve these concerns, the easier real writing. Format of the chapters. Now, decide on the format of their chapters, remember that the format must be constant. I might decide to use an introduction at the beginning of each chapter, this could help you divide them into several fragments to complete a full chapter.
It can be relevant begin each chapter with an anecdote. You must also resolve how to save your handwriting in a link. To often, anecdotes, testimonials, short stories, photos, graphics, tips will suggest to the reader the need to return to any page in particular. A navigation bar is useful for quick, accessible information and make flow density of the page. You must write with a casual, conversational tone instead of using a formal tone as a textbook diction. The reader response to the sensation of having a conversation with you. Make your somewhat cheerful book in such a way that does not invite readers to sleep. The sentences that do not have a same length and structure can be a good help for insomnia! You have a good writing needs practice.
Much practice; make a schedule to write at least a page a day and point each thought that flow into you. The art of writing is a process in the course of life; the more you write (and read), the better your writing. And how much better is her writing, greater will be their sales. An eBook that is read on the screen needs to be entertaining. You can leave some blank spaces to make reading easier. In art, the blank spaces are known as negative spaces. The eyes of the reader need rest and for this are good and relaxing spaces blank, since they give you a fresh air to each page. If your pages are too full, your reader will have to stop to rest and may lose interest in reading. Use tables of contents, and list pages. This makes your information easy of absorb and allows your reader to find what you need without having to further reading page by page. Finally, decide on the design to be used. Find a type of letter that is visually pleasing, and follow the continuity with the font. Use dozens of sources get tired from the beginning the reading of your users before you finish reading the introduction. Use at least one and a half space between lines, so if the text is big enough can be read more comfortably on the screen, but make sure that the pages can be seen complete in a screenshot of the computer. You will need to experiment with all types of sources and spaces to find the perfect combination. Of course, not to forget the charm of a good read this grammar, do the necessary accents and great care with punctuation marks. After all create an index and a bibliography. So with all this, you have finished writing a book; only thing missing is publish your eBook on the Internet and wait for the direct transfer of visitors on its web site.