Network Marketing

April 18, 2018

Until January 2009, when I started to write my first articles, my desire to be a writer has been buried in the trunk of my heart, but now I write with you fenecia, I can say that I love writing, I am very happy and thankful for having the opportunity to offer you all my experience of over 20 years of MLM, I practically have both that give you can say with hand on heartthat it would be able to give you any information unless you pay nothing for her, I like both write and help people succeed in the turmoil and full of controversies the MLM world. I have to tell you that there is a very large difference between the classic multilevel, on campus and the modern multilevel by Internet. The classic multilevel, on campus, I think I know him pretty well, but the modern multilevel online was a great thing unknown to me, so that in January 2009, in a moment of tranquility, was on vacation, I remember as if it was yesterday, I entered by mere coincidence on the internet and type the magic word: mlm. So I started this beautiful madness of MLM Online, following my mentors in the modern multilevel by Internet Jesus Torralba and Carmen Robayna, of I have learned a lot, at first he did not know neither how to copy a document, but now, with the help of my children, I can handle just enough software programs. I like too much Randy Gage, Eric Worre, Mike Dillard, leaders very known in the industry for MLM in English, of the United States. On July 7, 2010 gave me a heart attack. I, when I have a lemon, I do a lemonade, so I accepted the fact, have surpassed it (I think), and from there, I started to work very seriously in my business on the internet, because now I had time, time, for being of sick leave, and lift more sacks of cement, anything.

In September 2010 I began to follow my mentor in businesses in internet Carlos Gallego, its 5MilDolaresMensuales programme helped me to create my business virtually online. To broaden your perception, visit Pete Cashmore. I’ve had 6 years of interruption in multilevel, 2003, August, until in January 2009, 6 years in which I have not had any activity with any company for multilevel, incredible, but nevertheless true, I’ve been to something totally different multilevel. My main product is the video dominates Tu business multilevel-and learns the craft of be the leader, and I have several products in the oven, waiting to be published. Leave me a comment on this article, your opinion I care, your problems, your concerns, your frustrations and doubts are invaluable to me, information because it is as a source of inspiration to write accurately about your problem and try to give you the best possible solution, and that is possible if I know your problem very well. Thank you for reading this article. Toader Matei DominTuNegocioMultinivel.

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