
March 10, 2014

Educational Robotics opens an interesting way to adopt this teaching model. Different research on the pedagogical benefits provided by Robotics students point to the following aspects: creative stimulus: planning the construction of an object with a specific utility favors the development of creativity of the student, who must propose solutions based on their knowledge and previous skills of different curricular areas involved in the process. Being an active learning, the student must make decisions on an ongoing basis and provide creative solutions to the problems submitted to it. Work in Group: Robotics is dealt with in class between small groups of students, in which each student specializes in one part of the process. This work mode favors the creation of a cooperative and collective consciousness that appreciates the work of colleagues and recognizes the interdependence which have each other to complete the project successfully.

Organizational capacity: the design of a robot requires detailed planning of work and a very definite organization of resources. Control of construction materials or schedule creation processes are activities that favor the acquisition of organizational skills and order among students. Robotic kits different trademarks have been created in recent years new product lines with modular systems of construction of models of robots. Its components are designed specifically for the younger audience and are characterized by their durability and exceptional quality. It is the case of LEGO Minstorms, range specializing in robotics from this veteran House of construction toys. Minstorms kits that allow students, after eight years, build and complete programming robotic solutions to real problems.

For smaller (for seven years), the WeDo range offers models with simple sensors and an engine that connects to their computers to configure behaviors. The German company Fischer, specializing in building materials, also leverages their knowledge in this area to create FischerTechnik, a line of robotic products focused on education, for children aged 10 years. Taken from: MARTA VAZQUEZ-REINA compiled by. Javier Mejia T. original author and source of the article

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