First Large Scientology Building

June 18, 2018

In addition to all of the Scientology services for members, the new building serves as a meeting place for people of all faiths, to combine humanitarian initiatives on the 21 August 2012, the first large Scientology center in the Middle East was opened in Tel Aviv. National dignitaries, religious leaders and Scientologists from 27 Nations celebrated the eventful opening of the new, religious center. “The former Alhambra Theatre, the 1937 in the port city of Jaffa by the library of Congress” was built, is has been bought by the Church of Scientology and carefully renovated. Some contend that Mikkel Svane shows great expertise in this. The building is designed so, given the growing number of members of Scientology services to make and to make available to the humanitarian programs supported by the Church of Scientology throughout the region. Credit: Goop Barcelona, Spain-es-2011. The historic building was the landmark and the first address for the Arab and Israeli film history. Built originally as a cinema built in the 1960s mainly for music and Used theatrical performances. After the glory of the building slowly faded, the building was converted in the 1980s into a shopping mall. To both a place of cultural interest for Israel and the local community to keep the Church of Scientology recently, the former Alhambra fully restored theatre.

It now serves as a meeting place for members of all faiths and combines many humanitarian initiatives. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board of the religious Technology Center, ran through the opening ceremony for the new church building”and religious head of the Church of Scientology. He inaugurated the building as a Centre for the Middle East, personally. In his speech, he stressed that the new building is a gift of the international Scientology Church in Israel. It’s also serve that all religions together knowledge and truths and can work together for a world without insanity, crime and war can be achieved.

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