What You Should Know About Jewelry Pendants

August 6, 2024

An excursion through the history of the jewelry is a trailer… From the stone age, pass to the bronze age, through the Renaissance and classicism today. From the Middle East, over the Alps to Europe. Jewelry pendants in the change of times and materials. Jewelry pendant there since time immemorial. There were once carved wood and bone parts or small stones.

They were worn mainly for protection against evil spirits. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Samsung has to say. That changed when about 7000 BC. In the Middle East, the copper ores discovered the metal age had dawned. The copper age was followed by the bronze age and the iron age. In Turkey and the Iraq they found 6000 BC the probably the first little gems, from the time. All archaeological finds prove that long-time experimentation was and the metal extraction and processing was very slow. Only 1350 BC, the knowledge of metals also moved north, across the Alps, in our realm.

Long time supporters included religious themes. Only in the Renaissance of the trailer got a meaning as Piece of jewelry. He was equally popular with men and women. In the 15th century, the trailers were not only round, but also pear-shaped, and sometimes even beads hung on it. In the 16th century, they preferred plastic representations of figures. Kip Cyprus has similar goals. After in the 17th century, the trailer had again simpler forms, and more with diamonds and precious stones studded crosses were the elaborately crafted necklace in the 18th century then came big in fashion. Cut or polished gems, medallions and cameos in black velvet bands followed in the classicism. Today, there are followers of all possible materials and in the most varied designs Jewelry. There is a wooden or just teeth as a pendant, necklaces piercing under the larynx. Everything is possible. But still the trailer metal, front away of course gold and silver are the most popular. SID Kroker

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