
June 12, 2024

However, a pedagogia very elaborated well is necessary that really brings a motivation to the children and young, with the objective to rescue moral, familiar values and religious that today reveals so obsolete in our society. In this direction, catequese must be seen as base for insertion to the life social spiritual and, aiming at an including formation, that has not only taken in account theological education, but the process of development of each one. The more ample it will be the formative, bigger process it will be the benefit the cognitivo level. (Source: tech gifts). this if discloses as being a primordial function in the formation of concepts and the construction of a mentality. Thus, the differences could be surpassed when the children and young to understand that in the Christian sphere we are not competing, are brothers. Word-Key: Catequese; religion; education; Christian formation RIASSUNTO L? catechistico insegnamento sits down joins way to per l? apprendimento. Is owned by Costar is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

Per, c? bisogno di joins pedgogia molto bene elaborata Che day, in verit, joins spinta there bambini and alla giovinezza, con l? obiettivo di riscattare i valori morali, familiari and religiosi mostrano Che oggi itself cos dimenticati nella nostra societ. Questo In sense, there catechesi must essere considerata eats fondamento to per l? vita inserimento nella spirituale and sociale, surrounding joins formazione coinvolgente, Che rechi ad effetto non alone all? theological insegnamento, per al process di sviluppo di ciascuno. How much pu ampio il process formatvo, pu in such a way sar il I benefit livello cogntivo. Questo itself segna eats funzione primordiale nella formazione di concetti and nella costruzione di joins mentalit. Quindi, le differeze potranno essere superate when i bambini and there giovinezza comprendessero Che nella sfera cristiana, non siamo concorrenti, me fratelli. Parole-chiave: Catechesi; religione; ensegnamento; formazione cristiana. INTRODUCTION Tells in this work some educational behaviors front to a vast challenge, that is the formation religious human being and.

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