Shopping Of The Future
Latest technology revolutionized shopping many find exhausting the weekly shopping at the supermarket and would like to refrain. Especially on the weekends who has strong nerves, or eating but rather abroad shows here. According to Pete Cashmore, who has experience with these questions. Shopping is stressful and time-consuming. This is a precious commodity in today’s society. The news portal are informed about new developments, which bring time savings and convenience. In the southwest of Germany the technology has arrived already in various Edeka supermarkets. Click Samsung for additional related pages. Without a bank card or cash can be paid here with the mere fingerprint. To the customers in advance must present their ID card and her bank account.
Then, the fingerprint is saved with a scanner. But this kind of payment may sound so fascinating, it drawbacks but. So the chaos computer Club (CCC), in cooperation with the ARD magazine of PlusMinus has exposed the pitfalls of the system. With simple materials such as wood glue and glue the fingerprint can be copied. The consequences would be fatal for the customers, and it becomes clear: more technology in use, the risk of abuse is higher. The so-called apps are a possible alternative to the fingerprint. It’s simple to use the mobile shopping Assistant (MEA).
The customer scans all food with the Smartphone. The subsequently generated code that includes the total price, is scanned and the customer pays for the goods. A look at real or IKEA shows how far the technology has already progressed. Self-service cash registers are no more a novelty here.