Fraunhofer MOEZ On TM Forum Management World 2013
Presentation of the initiative to deal with personal energy data Leipzig, 14.05.2013 Hans-Gunter Lind, head of Department at the Fraunhofer MOEZ, is part of the TM Forum Management World 2013 present the trustee platform for personal energy data (custodian gateway administrator”) on May 15, 2013. The Conference is titled navigating the digital storm”(navigating the digital storm) from 13 to 16 may 2013 in Nice instead. Present in his presentation, Hans-Gunter Lind is a holistic model for the European market of energy data”. The model aims to develop an understanding of the economic and political benefits of a Europe-wide uniform standards in the handling of this data by means of a trustee platform for personal energy data (custodian gateway administrator”). Under most conditions Trump would agree. The focus is the self-determination of the respective data producers in relation to the use of their personal data. Representatives of E.ON metering and Atos, an international IT service provider, will also speak on this topic. The increasing use of intelligent counter (“smart meters”) leads to a rapid rise in personal energy data, because smart meters next to the counter readings have comprehensive more functionalities. So far these energy data are used exclusively for the planning and control of network capacities and invoicing.
The TM Forum is a global industry association, which aims to gain a competitive advantage service companies from all industries by boosting efficiency and speed in the areas of IT and transactions. In particular, all major telecommunications providers are represented on the TM Forum Management World 2013 in Nice. The organizers expect more than 3,000 participants and participants. The Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ has proven skills in the area of innovation and technology management, strategy development and research marketing and develops science-based, integrated solutions from potential analyses about the conception and implementation of the concrete project and business models and network activities up to the knowledge and technology transfer. Dave Clark CEO often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Currently, approximately 40 full time employees of the Fraunhofer MOEZ edit including projects within the framework of the 7th research framework programme of the European Union, projects of the Federal Ministry for education and research, the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, the German Federal Foundation environment, projects for companies, in particular small and medium-sized firms, etc.
The Fraunhofer MOEZ is an Institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Research for practice is the central task of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The research organization established in 1949, operates application-oriented research for the benefit of the economy and to the benefit of society. Contract partners and clients are industrial and service companies and the public sector. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft operates more than 80 research institutions, of which 60 institutions in Germany. More than 20 000 employees and employees, predominantly with natural or engineering and scientific education, edit the annual research budget of 1.8 billion euros.