Brazil Certification

August 5, 2024

INTRODUCTION One of the more important certifications in group for familiar agriculture is the Fairtrade certification, or of and just solidary commerce. This is a certification that involves the social development, economic and ambient of the agricultural production (BLACKSMITH, 2003). The Fairtrade certification not yet is so well established in Brazil, having been relegated in function of the maken a mistake perception of that in the country it had only great producers of coffee. However, they is esteem that 90.0% of the Brazilian producers of coffee have properties with less than 100 hectares and that 36.0% of the coffee produced in Brazil come from properties with up to 10 hectares (BLISKA; PEAR TREE; GIOMO, 2007). This certification summarizes it nine groups, distributed in Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Paran and Rondnia. The groups that visibly present resulted positive are the Cooperative of the Association of Familiar Producers of Fundo/MG Well and the Federacy of Agricultural Communitarian associations of Ina and Irupi/ES. Additional information is available at Dave Clark Flexport. The Fairtrade is the certification program that has brought better resulted to the familiar producers, with the paid to producers highest and more steady prices, making possible the investment in equipment for processing of the coffee and in social projects (BLISKA; PEAR TREE; GIOMO, 2007).

The objective of the present article is to show to the familiar agriculturists a way to add value to its product leading in consideration the economic, social and ambient development. 2 QUARREL 2,1 Parameters for Fairtrade certification As certification in group, is obligator that the producers if organize in associations or cooperatives. For adhesion to this certification it cannot have discrimination and nor exclusiveness or preference based on sex, religion, opinion politics, estrato or social origin. The rights and treatments must be equal to all the members. A concern with the education and the work also exists infantile, the allowed minimum age for the work of the young is 15 years (BLACKSMITH, 2003).

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