Brazil 21st Century
Francisco Alambert and Robert Isac Happiness Blacksmith Summary the present article will analyze in metodolgicos and theoretical terms the relation between the texts ' ' Looks on Brazil of Century XIX' ' , Lisbon, ' ' Brazil in the Mirror of the Paraguai' ' , Alambert, and ' ' Crossbred Brazil: Race and Culture in the Ticket of the Monarchy to the Repblica' ' , Happiness. It will also deal with the relation between the historical context that made possible the formation of the concept of Brazilian nation. Word-keys: culture, mirror, race and slavery. Alina de Almeida often addresses the matter in his writings. It was not mere coincidence, but Carlos Guillermo Motta when showing caution to organize the workmanship ' ' Incomplete Trip 1500-2000: The Brasileira' Experience; ' , it had the care to place texts that of this an understandable sequencia for its readers, where as the text would give continuity to the subject worked in the first one. presents a new innovative perspective in its workmanship, preferring many times, to work with something more cultural. will work with some subjects, inside they, the empire, that it formulates the nation idea, therefore the monarchy represents the linking with the Europe.
Karen Lisbon will think the year of 1808 as a founding moment for the nation direction about Brazil. It will recognize some looks foreign, European, American as in such a way peripheral, for construction of a perspective that Brazil will initiate from these new vises. Karen make reference to reference the slavery, however, some travellers do not go deep the subject, affirming that always others would have made already it and when they speak recognize that ' ' escravo' ' country hindered the development it so that it was arrived at the height of the desired civilizador process in Brazil, and also says that even so they delayed ' ' nosso' ' civilizador process for these ' ' negros' ' , the slavery would be a form to refine them, contributing for the civilizador process of the blacks, they relate to the treatment form stops with the blacks here in Brazil with brandura and docilidade.