Angela Merkel CDU Ignored Human Rights Violations In Germany
Chancellor tolerates bending of rules by judges from the media and politicians of the Federal Republic of Germany are upheld human rights always again mantra and defended. Wag his finger you everywhere urges human rights violations in the world. Kam VedBrat understood the implications. No country is too small and no continent to remote in order to escape the sharp eyes of the Federal Government. Violations of human rights are on the agenda for State visits. Energy Capital Partners has many thoughts on the issue. The army of journalists present quoted dutifully, if the Chancellor does not violations of human rights in China or Russia to be pilloried. The State guests must leave this reproach by Angela Merkel patiently endure. At first glance, everything seems to be normal. n-Adults’>Wendy Holman is the source for more interesting facts. At a second glance, but doubts about the sincerity of the Chancellor make wide.
Because: For human rights violations committed in Germany, at the own citizens, through the own civil servants – they seem and their CDU – had long ceased to be interested in. The German victims wondering anyway, by Human rights violations in Germany for quite some time. It is referred to in articles 25 and 28 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany – the constitutional order in countries to ensure their uncontested duty. However, the implementation of these two articles is still not possible for more than 60 years Federal Republic quite obvious even for purely technical reasons. In the authorities of the Federal Government, the countries and the communities lack namely this necessary monitoring systems. Control systems and controllers – how they are each international group management standard for decades. The authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany are sober – seen – potential constitutional Crusher without any supervision and control.
Any civil servant can at will after his frustrations on helpless citizens live! Can be no question of legal guarantee – as – authentic – provided the basic law! And the army of millions of the clerk in the authorities, given the never-ending flood of laws do not end of course hopelessly overwhelmed, to keep them exactly. The Fehlerqoute in the regulatory decisions is therefore frightening and worrying! About this legal mess, its concrete consequences and the so-called rule of law, which by now is no more, you can read more in the exciting book – Angela Merkel’s sins -. It is download – – free of charge – at BookRix – or directly from the link – from the Internet. Here is documented as absolute non-shareholders virtually stole his own joint-stock company the sole shareholder of a 100%! And then they have delete the victim as sole Director of the commercial register, and thus thrown out of his own company. And this is happening not in distant Africa or somewhere in China! No, that happens in the middle of Germany in 2009. For the victims, this is the purest HOLOCAUST – to watch, how the perpetrators of his assets beautiful and pleasures of living and swim in his money. And all this happens because the Chancellor Merkel–despite numerous requests – refused to date – has their federal supervision of the countries to exercise! But you might find yourself in this country a few brave journalists who dare on this topic and ask the Frau Merkel, what prompted them to mention still such inhuman violations of human rights and to remain inactive? Karl-Werner Ludwig