Mining State
6.5. General analysis of the occurrences for city in the years of 2006 the 2009. It is identified that the distribution of the accidents involving the road transport of dangerous chemical products occurrences between the years of 2006 the 2009, concentrate in the regions central, south/Southeastern and Mining triangle. It is important to stand out that the State of Minas Gerais is as the most populous one of the country and what possesss a bigger number of cities, with a fifty and eight hundred total and three. What it represents a little more than a fifty and percent (51.2%) of the existing cities in the Southeastern region and a little more than fifteen percent (15.5%) of the existing cities and that also possesss the biggest road mesh of Brazil (IBGE 2009). The occurrences are concentrated in the three main federal highways that cut to the state of Minas Gerais, being they BR-381, BR- 262 and BR-040.
One perceives that the cited regions above, they concentrate a bigger economic development, bigger adensamento and are directly on to the states of bigger economic development. The state of Minas Gerais is located in a strategical geographic position, therefore the main highways that take care of to the development of the states of the Center West, North Northeast of the country crosses the state. Thus concentrating, the biggest road mesh of the country, what also it contributes for the addition of the flow of vehicles and consequently the increase of the number of accidents in the state Notices that the accidents involving the transport of dangerous chemical products occurred between the years of 2006 the 2009, had kept in the average of an occurrence for each city identified in the map in annex. The region where he was registered a bigger number of occurrences of accidents was the metropolitan of Belo Horizonte, with a number of five accidents registered in period 2006 the 2009.