Probably every Internet user thinks about the shape of its representation in the network and sometimes begins to feverishly to choose between the sites and blogs. From my point of view, the problem of artificially produced, as a comparison between the general and private. Every man – a man, but not every person – man. Women, in the end, too, got J. Blog – this is one of their species site.
Static site from a distant past, and such portals, in comparison with Blogs have additional functional benefits. If we speak from a position of "the kettle on the Internet" – see, feel, and decide – check if a similar exercise – probably optimal choice of engine blogspot – easy to build, easy to unwind and enjoy everything for free. If you want to move to higher level – to create a blog, such as wordpress-needed knowledge and great expenditure, but the result is worth it. On the other hand, make a site with Use the slider Joomla is as easy as a blog on wordpress, forums and comments there, too, can be arranged. My conclusions: 1.Blog gives an opportunity to communicate with their audience, ensure its growth and, accordingly, especially if you have before it was only a static site – a blog should be screwed to the site is unique.
2. and visitors love blogs for frequent updates of information and, accordingly, the cost of attendance and the blog is growing faster than conventional site. 3.If You started with a free blog at blogspote, and then move on to more advanced wordpress – do not throw your previous decision to exchange links. Your blog and website gratefully help each other and together better monetized. 4.Blog originally nearer and dearer to the author and audience than the corporate site, and therefore their separation provides a greater influx of visitors, rather than just a corporate site. The human person is not harm to any occupation. I think it is right to share their experiences and, hopefully, it will be useful.