
April 30, 2014

As I’m known as founder of existence through networking in the market for the acquisition of customers and orders good networks are indispensable. A personal contact has a far greater sustainability, as a promotional tool or a phone call. A network would be maintained even in times of good order situation. Only then you can access back if necessary. Many clients and customers obtained through personal recommendations, why not stand down, to inform others, offering you products and services. You can explain what you offer in a compact form at any time, and check whether this offer for your conversation partner is interesting is important. Make even external activities and provide always your card when comes the call to your profession.

Professional networks are, of course, main part of the work of the network. For this reason the founder Headquarters twice a year held in the Conference area WeiberWirtschaft a network evening, the entrepreneurs and founders have the opportunity to meet in a relaxed atmosphere, to Exchange and to present your company. The basis for this is an entrepreneur profile together with your business card (if available) is posted on message boards, so you actively and purposefully on interlocutors can go to or can even be addressed. At the beginning, participants identified by Los can train their self presentation and introduced to the group as a whole. This idea is often first points for the following individual discussions. Although women are welcome: have not yet established who are just curious or playing with the idea of an autonomy.

In the beautiful atmosphere of the meeting area will find quickly stimulating and inspiring conversations held, – a good breeding ground for many business contact that began here. Climax and conclusion of the evening is always a raffle/lottery, for the Unternehmerinnen/founders can donate coupons. The next network evening 21: 00 is on 6th December 2012 from 18.30. Consult our website events with events on the topic of business start-ups or sign up now at 030-44 02 23 45 or. The Central of founder of also offers a monthly get-together and the creation of successful teams – two more opportunities for women entrepreneurs in Berlin, to make known to the market, to profit from the experiences of others and to network professionally.

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